Additional Information
Additional Information for Hartman Plumbing LLC
- Location of This Business
- 1878 York Butte Ave SE, Salem, OR 97306-9006
- BBB File Opened:
- 10/4/2023
- Years in Business:
- 2
- Business Started:
- 10/17/2022
- Business Incorporated:
- 9/2/2022
- Accredited Since:
- 10/5/2023
- Licensing Information:
- This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.
CCB: 242952
plumbing business license: PB2768
journeymans license: 11404JP
- Type of Entity:
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Hours of Operation
- M:
- Open 24 Hours
- T:
- Open 24 Hours
- W:
- Open 24 Hours
- Th:
- Open 24 Hours
- F:
- Open 24 Hours
- Sa:
- Open 24 Hours
- Su:
- Open 24 Hours
- Business Management
- Mr. Zachary L. Hartman, Owner
- Ms. Kaitlin Nicole Murphy, Co-Owner
- Contact Information
- Mr. Zachary L. Hartman, Owner
Customer Contact
- Mr. Zachary L. Hartman, Owner
- Additional Contact Information
Website Addresses
- Serving Area
Hartman Plumbing LLC serves Stayton, Oregon within 100-mile radius.
- Adair Village, OR
- Adams, OR
- Adel, OR
- Agate Beach, OR
- Agness, OR
- Albany, OR
- Allegany, OR
- Aloha, OR
- Alpine, OR
- Alsea, OR
- Alvadore, OR
- Amity, OR
- Antelope, OR
- Applegate, OR
- Arch Cape, OR
- Arlington, OR
- Ashland, OR
- Ashwood, OR
- Astoria, OR
- Athena, OR
- Aumsville, OR
- Aurora, OR
- Azalea, OR
- Baker, OR
- Baker City, OR
- Bandon, OR
- Banks, OR
- Barlow, OR
- Bates, OR
- Bay City, OR
- Beatty, OR
- Beaver, OR
- Beavercreek, OR
- Beaverton, OR
- Bend, OR
- Biggs, OR
- Biggs Junction, OR
- Birkenfeld, OR
- Blachly, OR
- Black Butte Ranch, OR
- Blodgett, OR
- Blue River, OR
- Bly, OR
- Boardman, OR
- Bonanza, OR
- Boring, OR
- Bridal Veil, OR
- Bridgeport, OR
- Brighton, OR
- Brightwood, OR
- Broadbent, OR
- Brookings, OR
- Brooks, OR
- Brothers, OR
- Brownsville, OR
- Burlington, OR
- Burns, OR
- Butte Falls, OR
- Butteville, OR
- Buxton, OR
- Camas Valley, OR
- Camp Sherman, OR
- Canby, OR
- Cannon Beach, OR
- Canyon City, OR
- Canyonville, OR
- Cape Meares, OR
- Carlton, OR
- Carver, OR
- Cascade Locks, OR
- Cascadia, OR
- Cave Junction, OR
- Cayuse, OR
- Cedar Mill, OR
- Celilo, OR
- Central Point, OR
- Charbonneau, OR
- Charleston, OR
- Chemult, OR
- Cheshire, OR
- Chiloquin, OR
- Christmas Valley, OR
- Clackamas, OR
- Clarno, OR
- Clatskanie, OR
- Cloverdale, OR
- Coburg, OR
- Colton, OR
- Columbia City, OR
- Condon, OR
- Coos Bay, OR
- Coquille, OR
- Corbett, OR
- Cornelius, OR
- Corvallis, OR
- Cottage Grove, OR
- Cove, OR
- Crabtree, OR
- Crane, OR
- Crater Lake, OR
- Crawfordsville, OR
- Crescent, OR
- Crescent Lake, OR
- Creswell, OR
- Crooked River, OR
- Crooked River Ranch, OR
- Crow, OR
- Culp Creek, OR
- Culver, OR
- Curtin, OR
- Dairy, OR
- Dale, OR
- Dallas, OR
- Damascus, OR
- Days Creek, OR
- Dayton, OR
- Dayville, OR
- Deadwood, OR
- Deer Island, OR
- Depoe Bay, OR
- Detroit, OR
- Dexter, OR
- Diamond, OR
- Diamond Lake, OR
- Dillard, OR
- Dodson, OR
- Donald, OR
- Dorena, OR
- Dover, OR
- Drain, OR
- Drewsey, OR
- Dufur, OR
- Dundee, OR
- Dunes, OR
- Durham, OR
- Durkee, OR
- Eagle Creek, OR
- Eagle Crest, OR
- Eagle Point, OR
- East Lake, OR
- Eastside, OR
- Echo, OR
- Eddyville, OR
- Elgin, OR
- Elkton, OR
- Elmira, OR
- Elsie, OR
- Enterprise, OR
- Estacada, OR
- Eugene, OR
- Fairview, OR
- Fall Creek, OR
- Falls City, OR
- Fields, OR
- Finn Rock, OR
- Florence, OR
- Forest Grove, OR
- Forest Heights, OR
- Fort Klamath, OR
- Fort Rock, OR
- Fossil, OR
- Foster, OR
- Fox, OR
- Frenchglen, OR
- Friend, OR
- Gales Creek, OR
- Gardiner, OR
- Garibaldi, OR
- Gaston, OR
- Gates, OR
- Gearhart, OR
- Gervais, OR
- Gilchrist, OR
- Gladstone, OR
- Glendale, OR
- Gleneden Beach, OR
- Glenwood, OR
- Glide, OR
- Gold Beach, OR
- Gold Hill, OR
- Government Camp, OR
- Grand Island, OR
- Grand Ronde, OR
- Granite, OR
- Grants Pass, OR
- Grass Valley, OR
- Greenacres, OR
- Greenhorn, OR
- Greenleaf, OR
- Gresham, OR
- Haines, OR
- Halfway, OR
- Halsey, OR
- Hammond, OR
- Happy Valley, OR
- Harbor, OR
- Harrisburg, OR
- Hebo, OR
- Helix, OR
- Helvetia, OR
- Heppner, OR
- Hereford, OR
- Hermiston, OR
- Hillsboro, OR
- Hines, OR
- Hood River, OR
- Hubbard, OR
- Hugo, OR
- Huntington, OR
- Idanha, OR
- Idleyld Park, OR
- Imbler, OR
- Imnaha, OR
- Independence, OR
- Interlachen, OR
- Ione, OR
- Irrigon, OR
- Island, OR
- Jacksonville, OR
- Jasper, OR
- Jefferson, OR
- Jennings Lodge, OR
- Jewell, OR
- John Day, OR
- Johnson, OR
- Joseph, OR
- Junction City, OR
- Kah-Nee-Ta, OR
- Keating, OR
- Keizer, OR
- Keno, OR
- Kent, OR
- Kerby, OR
- Kimberly, OR
- King, OR
- King City, OR
- Kingsley Field, OR
- Kinzua, OR
- Klamath Falls, OR
- La Grande, OR
- La Pine, OR
- Lafayette, OR
- Lake Grove, OR
- Lake Oswego, OR
- Lakeside, OR
- Lakeview, OR
- Langlois, OR
- Lawen, OR
- Leaburg, OR
- Lebanon, OR
- Lees Camp, OR
- Lexington, OR
- Liberal, OR
- Lime, OR
- Lincoln City, OR
- Logsden, OR
- Lonerock, OR
- Long Creek, OR
- Lorane, OR
- Lostine, OR
- Lowell, OR
- Lyons, OR
- Madras, OR
- Malin, OR
- Manhattan Beach, OR
- Manning, OR
- Manzanita, OR
- Mapleton, OR
- Marcola, OR
- Marion, OR
- Marylhurst, OR
- Maupin, OR
- Mayville, OR
- Maywood Park, OR
- McKenzie Bridge, OR
- McMinnville, OR
- McNary, OR
- Meacham, OR
- Medford, OR
- Medical Springs, OR
- Mehama, OR
- Merlin, OR
- Merrill, OR
- Metolius, OR
- Midland, OR
- Mikkalo, OR
- Mill City, OR
- Milton Freewater, OR
- Milwaukie, OR
- Mist, OR
- Mitchell, OR
- Mohler, OR
- Molalla, OR
- Monitor, OR
- Monmouth, OR
- Monroe, OR
- Monument, OR
- Moro, OR
- Mosier, OR
- Mount Angel, OR
- Mount Hood, OR
- Mount Hood Parkdale, OR
- Mount Vernon, OR
- Mountain Park, OR
- Mulino, OR
- Murphy, OR
- Murphys Camp, OR
- Myrtle Creek, OR
- Myrtle Point, OR
- Neahkahnie, OR
- Nehalem, OR
- Neotsu, OR
- Neskowin, OR
- Netarts, OR
- Netarts Bay, OR
- New Pine Creek, OR
- Newberg, OR
- Newport, OR
- North Bend, OR
- North Plains, OR
- North Powder, OR
- Norway, OR
- Noti, OR
- O Brien, OR
- Oak Grove, OR
- Oak Lodge, OR
- Oakland, OR
- Oakridge, OR
- Oceanside, OR
- Odell, OR
- Ophir, OR
- Oregon City, OR
- Orenco, OR
- Oretech, OR
- Oswego, OR
- Otis, OR
- Otter Rock, OR
- Oxbow, OR
- Pacific City, OR
- Paisley, OR
- Parkdale, OR
- Parkrose, OR
- Paulina, OR
- Pendleton, OR
- Philomath, OR
- Phoenix, OR
- Pilot Rock, OR
- Pine Grove, OR
- Pleasant Hill, OR
- Plush, OR
- Port Orford, OR
- Portland, OR
- Post, OR
- Powell Butte, OR
- Powers, OR
- Prairie City, OR
- Prescott, OR
- Princeton, OR
- Prineville, OR
- Progress, OR
- Prospect, OR
- Rainier, OR
- Redland, OR
- Redmond, OR
- Reedsport, OR
- Remote, OR
- Rhododendron, OR
- Richland, OR
- Rickreall, OR
- Riddle, OR
- Riley, OR
- Ritter, OR
- Rivergrove, OR
- Rock Creek, OR
- Rockaway, OR
- Rockaway Beach, OR
- Rockwood, OR
- Rogue Elk, OR
- Rogue River, OR
- Rose Lodge, OR
- Roseburg, OR
- Rowena, OR
- Rufus, OR
- Rye Valley, OR
- Saginaw, OR
- Saint Benedict, OR
- Saint Helens, OR
- Saint Louis, OR
- Saint Paul, OR
- Sandy, OR
- Santa Clara, OR
- Scappoose, OR
- Scholls, OR
- Scio, OR
- Scotts Mills, OR
- Scottsburg, OR
- Seal Rock, OR
- Seaside, OR
- Selma, OR
- Seneca, OR
- Shady Cove, OR
- Shaniko, OR
- Shedd, OR
- Sheridan, OR
- Sherwood, OR
- Siletz, OR
- Silver Lake, OR
- Silverton, OR
- Sisters, OR
- Sixes, OR
- South Beach, OR
- Sprague River, OR
- Spray, OR
- Springdale, OR
- Springfield, OR
- Stanfield, OR
- Stayton, OR
- Sublimity, OR
- Summer Lake, OR
- Summerville, OR
- Sumpter, OR
- Sunnyvalley, OR
- Sunriver, OR
- Sutherlin, OR
- Sweet Home, OR
- Swisshome, OR
- Talent, OR
- Tangent, OR
- Tektronix, OR
- Tenmile, OR
- Terrebonne, OR
- The Dalles, OR
- Tidewater, OR
- Tigard, OR
- Tillamook, OR
- Tiller, OR
- Timber, OR
- Timberline Lodge, OR
- Toledo, OR
- Tollgate, OR
- Tolovana Park, OR
- Tongue Point, OR
- Trail, OR
- Triangle Lake, OR
- Troutdale, OR
- Tualatin, OR
- Turner, OR
- Twin Rocks, OR
- Tygh Valley, OR
- Ukiah, OR
- Umatilla, OR
- Umpqua, OR
- Union, OR
- Unity, OR
- Vaughn, OR
- Veneta, OR
- Verboort, OR
- Vernonia, OR
- Vida, OR
- Walden, OR
- Waldport, OR
- Walker, OR
- Wallowa, OR
- Walterville, OR
- Walton, OR
- Wamic, OR
- Wankers Corners, OR
- Warm Springs, OR
- Warren, OR
- Warrenton, OR
- Wasco, OR
- Weatherby, OR
- Wedderburn, OR
- Welches, OR
- Wemme, OR
- West Linn, OR
- West Salem, OR
- West Slope, OR
- West Stayton, OR
- West Union, OR
- Westfir, OR
- Westlake, OR
- Weston, OR
- Westport, OR
- Wheeler, OR
- White City, OR
- Wilbur, OR
- Wilderville, OR
- Willamette, OR
- Willamina, OR
- Williams, OR
- Wilsonville, OR
- Winchester, OR
- Winchester Bay, OR
- Winston, OR
- Wolf Creek, OR
- Wood Village, OR
- Woodburn, OR
- Worden, OR
- Yachats, OR
- Yamhill, OR
- Yoncalla, OR
- Zigzag, OR
- Products and Services
- Plumbing Services, Plumbing Fixtures
- Payment Methods
- cash, check, credit/debit, venmo, payment link
- Social Media
Contact Information
1878 York Butte Ave SE
Salem, OR 97306-9006
Business hours
Today,Open 24 Hours
MMonday | Open 24 Hours |
TTuesday | Open 24 Hours |
WWednesday | Open 24 Hours |
ThThursday | Open 24 Hours |
FFriday | Open 24 Hours |
SaSaturday | Open 24 Hours |
SuSunday | Open 24 Hours |
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Accredited Since: 10/5/2023
Years in Business: 2
BBB Rating
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BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate. However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.