ComplaintsforIsland Head
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Complaint Details
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Initial Complaint
- Complaint Type:
- Service or Repair Issues
- Status:
- Answered
Is**nd H**d **s b**n * nightm*r* to work with. ***ding up to our hib*chi dinn*r bo*t rid* (Frid*y, M*rch 1st), th* for*c*st show*d thund*rstorms coming in. W* **d mu*tip** *du*ts, 2 kids, *nd 3 b*bi*s sign*d up *nd *nd 1.5hr driv* for my husb*nds birthd*y. ***** W* tri*d c***ing th* d*y b*for* *nd mu*tip** tim*s on th* d*y of our bo*t tour for * v*rdict on c*nc****tion, so w* wou*d not b* c**rg*d for * no show. I w*s sp**king on b****f of *nd trying to communic*t* with *** of th* f*mi*i*s *tt*nding who w*r* **so driving from out of town. Th* cruis* m*n*g*r, ******* ******** wou*d not budg* on r*funding our f*mi*y du* to th* uns*f* w**th*r conditions, *f*** * d*y of th* run-*round trying to figur* out w**t to do. This w*s *** up to th* v*ry **st s*cond b*for* n**ding to driv* ov*r in 100% thund*rstorms from S*v*nn*h. Th* gr**din*ss *nd **ck of und*rst*nding **s b**n v*ry *x**usting *nd dish**rt*ning. I **v* scr**nshots of th* d*ng*rous w**th*r r*ports through th* d*y *nd during th* tim* of th* bo*t tour t**t I *m **ppy to s**r*.Business response
To s*y I *m f**bb*rg*st*d by this situ*tion is *n und*rst*t*m*nt. With *** our custom*rs w* try *nd show th*m th* utmost r*sp*ct, *nd with this p*rticu**r custom*r, w* w*nt *bov* *nd b*yond. Th* custom*r w*s sch*du**d for * Suns*t Hib*chi Dinn*r Cruis*. Sh* st*rt*d c***ing th* busin*ss * d*y prior *sking for * d*finitiv* *nsw*r of y*s it's going or no it's not going, w* *xp**in*d v*ry prof*ssion***y t**t th* cruis* w*s on *s of now *nd w* wi** continu* to monitor th* w**th*r hour by hour *s w* *** know things c*n c**ng* throughout th* for*c*st in th* *ow country. Sh* th*n continu*d to c*** non stop th* n*xt d*y st*ting it w*s pouring r*in *nd *ightning storms w*r* *** *round (c***ing from S*v*nn*h), this. w*s not th* c*s* *s our op*r*tion of f*rry bo*t, do*phin tour, p*r*s*i*ing, k*y*k tours, *tc. w*r* in fu** swing on * nic* ov*rc*st d*y. W* *xp**in*d *** this to th* custom*r, *nd if *nything c**ng*d in th* w**th*r w* wou*d m*k* *djustm*nts or c*nc** th* cruis* if it w*s uns*f*, *nd *ssur* h*r t**t s*f*ty of our cr*w *nd custom*rs is our numb*r on* priority. W***, it did not stop, to th* point of **r*ssm*nt, *s it **d to *dd up to 12-15 phon* c***s. *s mu*tip** own*rs spok*, t***ing this *x*ct*y ov*r *nd ov*r, *nd *v*n s*tting up * c*** with th* C*pt*in of th* c**r*** t**t night to *xp**in *x*ct*y w**t h* w*s monitoring. H* did s** * c*** moving through our *r** *t *bout 2:30 pm *nd fu** c***ring our *round 5:00-5:15 pm which **ft * b**utifu* night for th* 5:30-7:30 pm c**r***. Non* of this work*d *s sh* continu*d to c*** *nd y*** *t who*v*r *nsw*r*d th* phon*. W* m*d* th* *x*cutiv* d*cision to t*k* * *oss on th* pr*p*r*d ord*r*d food, *nd issu* h*r *nd h*r group * gift c*rd for th* fu** *mount wh*r* sh* cou*d book *noth*r cruis*/ d*t* t**t sh* f**t mor* comfort*b** *s w* did not **v* th* tim* to continu* this, *nd did not w*nt h*r to ruin th* *xp*ri*nc* of th* *** th* oth*r gu*st on bo*rd th* cruis* t**t night.
How it unfo*d*d. Th* cruis* op*r*t*d just *s our c*pt*in proj*ct*d with his for*c*sting of th* w**th*r. H* **s b**n in th* industry for ov*r 30 y**rs, *nd f*ys our p*r*s*i* bo*t which is on* of th* most w**th*r int*nsiv* *ctiviti*s t**t is off*r*d on th* w**** in th* tourism m*rk*t, *s th*r* is no room for *ir wh*n it com*s to storms, *ightning, *nd wind. *f*** w* w*nt *bov* *nd b*yond for this custom*r *nd issu*d th* gift c*rd, sh* th*n proc**d*d to com* *f*** us s*ying sh* w*nt*d * fu** r*fund *nd this w*sn't good *nough for us. It is v*ry c***r*y m*rk*d throughout th* w*bsit*, fo**ow up *m*i*, *tc. t**t w* op*r*t* on * 72 hour c*nc***tion po*icy. Th* *xc*ption to this is if th* C*pt*in c*nc**s th* c**r*** to uns*f* conditions. T*k* into *ccount th*r* w*r* *bout 20 oth*r custom*rs sch*du**d for this cruis* who *** show*d up *nd **d * gr**t tim*. W* **v* photo/ vid*o to docum*nt th* c**r*** *s w*** *s scr**nshots of th* t*xt m*ss*g*s. Sh* continu*d to **r*ss our busin*ss *in* *nd th* C*pt*in's p*rson** c*** phon* s*ying sh* c****d th* po*ic* *nd *** oth*r typ*s of nons*ns*. Sh* th*n w*nt on*in* to writ* n*g*tiv* r*vi*ws on *** p**tforms, which w*r* r*mov*d by th* p**tform provid*rs b*s*d on not b*ing tru* *nd so *ggr*ssiv*.
Throughout this *ntir* *xp*ri*nc* w* did com* in communic*tion with * g*nt**m*n who w*s ti*d to th* group. I do not know if h* w*s th* husb*nd or just p*rt of th* group, but h* w*s *xtr*m**y fri*nd*y *nd *ppr*ci*tiv* for *v*rything w* did for th*ir group *nd cou*d not **v* b**n nic*r.
I **v* b**n in th* industry for *bout 15 y**rs *nd c*n not r*m*mb*r * custom*r *xp*ri*nc* quit* *ik* this. If you wou*d *ik* *ny oth*r inform*tion do not h*sit*t* to r**ch out.
******* ******w
Customer response
[ To *ssist us in bringing this m*t*** to * c*os*, you must giv* us * r**son why you *r* r*j*cting th* r*spons*. If no r**son is r*c*iv*d your comp**int wi** b* c*os*d *dministr*tiv**y R*so*v*d ] Comp**int: ******** I *m r*j*cting this r*spons* b*c*us*: H* is twisting th* situ*tion to fit his n*rr*tiv*.. d*nying th* thund*rstorm t**t 100% **pp*n*d. I w*sn’t “**r*ssing” th*m. Th*y *sk*d m* to c*** b*ck **ch tim*, b*c*us* th*y **dn’t m*d* * d*cision, y*t. I w*s v*ry po*it* for * fu** d*y, *nd *ost my coo* *t th* *nd of this v*ry *x**usting s*g*. I *m tru*y sorry for t**t. I r*is*d my voic* wh*n s*ying “W* w*nt * r*fund.” In no w*y wou*d w* w*nt to b* *round th*s* pp* *f*** th*y sp*nt *n *ntir* d*y giving us th* run-*round *nd *nding in us b*gging for th*m to r**son with th* situ*tion. My husb*nd tri*d to sp**k with th*m *nd s*tt**d with * gift c*rd, *s h* is much b*t*** *t d***ing with crooks b*c*us* of his *in* of work. *g*in, w* do not w*nt to **v* *ny invo*v*m*nt with Is**nd H**d *nd w*nt our mon*y b*ck. R*g*rds, **** ****** Business response
*W* *cknow**dg*d custom*rs' conc*rns by s*tting up dir*ct c***s with th* c*pt*in. W* *cknow**dg*d custom*r conc*rns by b*nding our ru**s *nd giving th* custom*r * gift c*rd wh*n th* cruis* w*s op*r*tion** *nd op*r*t*d outsid* of our c*nc****tion po*icy.
*Th* f*cts *r* w* stuck to our w**th*r po*icy to m*k* sur* th* cruis* st*y*d s*f*. It *nd*d up going *x*ct*y *s pr*dict*d by our cr*w *nd th* cruis* w*s op*r*tion** within th* d*sign*t*d tim*s of 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. Th* f*ct is *v*ryon* book*d on th* cruis* show*d up, w*nt on th* cruis*, *nd **d * gr**t tim*. Th* f*ct is this custom*r w*s our on*y issu* throughout th* *ntir* d*y. Th* f*ct is w* *r* sti** b*ing insu*t*d *nd c****d crooks. Th* f*ct is if w* c*nc***d our trips hours *h**d of tim* b*c*us* th*r* is * c**nc* of r*in in th* for*c*st w* wou*d b* out of busin*ss. Th* f*ct is w* *r* *n outdoor comp*ny, op*r*ting on th* co*st, in th* south *nd * c**nc* of r*in shows up **most *v*ryd*y. Th* f*ct is w* prioritiz* s*f*ty, *nd our r*cords of incid*nts prov*s t**t.
*W* took *v*ry *ction throughout this tr*ns*ction to m*k* th* situ*tion th* b*st for th* custom*r. W* w*nt *bov* *nd b*yond, *nd I *m sur* h*r husb*nd wou*d b* *b** to confirm this *s h* w*s v*ry r**son*b** *nd *ppr*ci*tiv* to work with. Unfortun*t**y h* w*s on*y on m*yb* 2 of th* 15 c***s.
*tt*ch*d in th* fo**owing *m*i* is * shot of th* r*d*r, *ightning tr*ck*r, *nd t*xt of h*r thr**t*ning our c*pt*in with c***ing th* po*ic* *nd t*king us to civi* court.
*ny *ddition** inform*tion n**d*d, p***s* do not h*sit*t* to r**ch out.
Customer response
[ To *ssist us in bringing this m*t*** to * c*os*, you must giv* us * r**son why you *r* r*j*cting th* r*spons*. If no r**son is r*c*iv*d your comp**int wi** b* c*os*d *dministr*tiv**y R*so*v*d ] Comp**int: ******** I *m r*j*cting this r*spons* b*c*us*: Th*r* w*s *n uns*f* thund*rstorm ***ding up to *nd during th* tim* of th* tour. (Photos inc*ud*d in 1st m*ss*g* *s proof of this.) I don’t know w**t **s* to s*y. W* wou*d *ik* * r*fund.
R*g*rds, **** ****** Business response
I *m just st*ting f*cts.Th* *ong story short is t**t th* cruis* op*r*t*d in s*f* conditions. Th* custom*r w*s *ntit**d to *os* *** th*ir mon*y b*s*d on our comp*ny po*icy *nd r*fund po*icy, w* did not w*nt t**t to **pp*n *s custom*r s*tisf*ction is * top priority. W* w*nt *bov* *nd b*yond *nd issu*d * fu** v**u* gift c*rd to com* b*ck *noth*r d*y of th*ir choosing. Our r*put*tion sp**ks for its**f, *nd w* do not *ik* th* bu**ying t*chniqu*s t**t this custom*r is choosing to us*.
I do not **v* much **s* to s*y on this.
Customer response
[ To *ssist us in bringing this m*t*** to * c*os*, you must giv* us * r**son why you *r* r*j*cting th* r*spons*. If no r**son is r*c*iv*d your comp**int wi** b* c*os*d *dministr*tiv**y R*so*v*d ] Comp**int: ******** I *m r*j*cting this r*spons* b*c*us*: I do not *ppr*ci*t* this r*v*rs* victimiz*tion to justify th* *i*. Th* F*CTS *r* t**t th*r* w*r* 100% thund*rstorms, not on*y prov*n on th* Dopp**r but confirm*d by th* HHI offic*r on duty. Th* c*nc****tion po*icy is *x*ct*y why Is**nd H**d r*fus*d to c*nc** th* tour, b*c*us* th*y did not w*nt to r*fund us. It w*s not s*f*, *nd I w*s communic*ting with *** of th* f*mi*i*s *nd chi*dr*n in our p*rty who w*r* *** confus*d by th*ir d*cision.
My husb*nd *nd I p*id th*m *** b*ck out of our own pock*ts, b*c*us* w* simp*y w*nt to b* don* with this comp*ny.W* do not w*nt to *nymor* to do with Is**nd H**d *nd w*nt our mon*y b*ck. W* wish to s*tt** this through th* BBB, so w* do not n**d to furth*r this *x**usting *xp*ri*nc*.
R*g*rds, **** ******
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Customer Complaints Summary
1 total complaints in the last 3 years.
1 complaints closed in the last 12 months.